Pictures of my Mother Touching Wild Animals


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Pictures of my Mother Touching Wild Animals
By Gwen Bedient and Delphine Bedient
Release Date: October 23, 2015
28 pp, 4.25” x 5.5”, bound pamphlet, full color
Hashtag: #mymothertouchingwildanimals

The title says it all. This is a full-color photo book, printed by our friends at Pine Island Press.

“I learned that a hyena behaves just like a dog when it is tame and likes to have its neck rubbed. The big cats present their backs to you for petting, and their fur is coarse and thick. I count myself fortunate to have had some amazing encounters.”

- Gwen Bedient

After raising a family with her husband Gene and living most of her life in Nebraska, Gwen Bedient joined the US Foreign Service in 2010 as a specialist. She has since served at embassies in Algeria, France, and now Zimbabwe. In her free time, when she is not touching wild animals, she enjoys traveling, sitting in her backyard reading a book, and watching the birds that stop by.



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