Home State: Life in Nebraska


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Home State: Life in Nebraska
By Delphine Bedient
Release Date: March 31, 2014
28 pp, 4.25” x 5.5”, bound pamphlet
Hashtag: #homestate

This is a book of short vignettes based on the author's experiences growing up in the state of Nebraska. Said writings are provided in an attempt to shed some light on a state about which little is often known except for a few vague generalities.

"I am from a fly-over state, a great plains state, one of those arbitrary shapes that exist in the middle of this country, someplace between this and that. Such a point of origin is not quite expected. When I tell someone that I am from Nebraska, they often say, 'Oh,' and pause to think. 'Nebraska. Now where is that again?' they might eventually ask."

- Delphine Bedient

Delphine Bedient is a writer and maker currently based in Portland, Oregon. Her work has been featured by Blunderbuss Magazine, Fog Machine, and Bottlecap Press, and a collection of her short fiction, entitled Down and Out on a Yacht, is available from Two Plum Press. She likes the color blue, writing in cursive and wearing sunglasses. She spends most of her time touching books.



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